
How Coupondabba Works

  1. Data Aggregation:
  2. Coupondabba actively search the internet for coupons, discount codes, and special offers from a wide range of online stores. They may employ automated tools, partnerships with retailers, and manual searches to collect these deals.

  3. Deal Curation and Organization:
  4. Once collected, the coupons and deals are curated, categorized, and organized into various sections on the website. Common categories might include fashion, electronics, travel, food, and more. This categorization helps users easily find deals relevant to their interests.

  5. Deal Listings:
  6. The deals are presented on the website with essential information such as the brands's name, a brief description of the offer, the discount percentage or amount and any terms and conditions associated with the deal.

  7. Verification and Validity:
  8. To ensure the credibility of the deals, coupon websites often verify and validate the offers before listing them, coupondabba confirm the accuracy of the provided discounts and to check if the deals are still valid.

  9. Affiliate Partnerships:
  10. Coupondabba partner with online retailers through affiliate programs. When users click on a deal and make a purchase through the provided link, the coupon website earns a commission from the retailer. This mutually beneficial arrangement incentivizes coupon websites to provide valuable deals.

  11. Direct Links and Promo Codes:
  12. Deals on coupondabba can be activated by using the coupondabba's link, where the discount is automatically applied at checkout.

  13. Subscription and Alerts:
  14. To keep users informed about the latest deals, coupondabba offer subscription options. Users can sign up for newsletters or alerts, receiving notifications about new offers, exclusive deals, and time-limited promotions.